Breastfeeding After a Breast Reduction; Is it Possible?

Breast reductions and breast feeding

Breast reduction surgeries are growing in popularity. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeon’s website, breast reductions increased 11% from 2016 to 2017, and have held steady since. A breast reduction (also known as reduction mammoplasty) removes excess fat, tissue, and skin from the breasts. A reduction rearranges your own natural tissue to give you a more proportionate size along with improved shape as well as giving you a lift. Most patients looking into this procedure experience chronic back pain, neck pain, and consistent migraines. They also have a difficult time with everyday tasks, such as exercising, due to large chest size.

One common question many potential breast reduction patients have is if they can breastfeed after the procedure. Breast reduction surgery removes the breast tissue and glands that produce breastmilk which can make it more difficult to breastfeed.  This does not mean it is impossible to breastfeed post breast reduction, but it may not be possible. If breastfeeding is very important to you, Dr. Ghaderi recommends that you postpone your breast reduction until after you are done having children.

If you have been considering breast reduction surgery and still have questions regarding the possibility to breastfeed post-procedure, contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ghaderi. He spends one on one time with you to go over the procedure in detail and addresses any concerns you may have.

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