Looking to Avoid Implants but Still Want to Increase Bust Size? Explore Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation
What if you aren’t necessarily looking to have breast implants placed but still want to increase breast size? Fat transfer breast augmentation might be the perfect fit for you.
This Year, Change Your Strategy on New Year’s Resolutions for Maximum Success
New Year’s resolutions are a universal in our culture. Frequently, right before or after the New Year, people may ask you what your resolutions are, naturally making the assumption that you have some. And yet, as obsessed we are with making them, when asked, most people report they they didn’t succeed in achieving last year’s […]
What We Learned About Personal Health in 2018
We live in a health-oriented society, and this year, like previous years, had no shortage of health trends. Here’s a brief overview of some of the exciting things we saw in health and wellness this year. The rise of nootropics. Supplements for physical health have been around for decades, but 2018 was the year mind-enhancing […]
The Benefits of Probiotics from Your Stomach to Your Skin
Probiotics have been pretty popular for a few years now, but the most amazing thing is that the deeper researchers dive into what is known as the “microbiome,” the more evidence they’re finding that bacteria that live in our stomachs affect much more than just our digestion. Here are just a few of the ways […]
How Plastic Surgery Can Correct Breast Asymmetry
People usually hear about breast-related cosmetic procedures in the context of breast augmentation, a breast lift, or even breast reduction. However, another type of procedure that doesn’t get as much attention is the correction of breast asymmetry. More Common Than You Think Breast asymmetry occurs in a large portion of the population (one study found […]
Why More Men Than Ever are Considering a Liposuction Procedure
Are you a man who has some extra fat around the abdominal & buttocks area? Don’t worry—if so, you’re in a group with the majority of the male population in the U.S. If you’ve tried to tackle the extra weight with exercise and diet, more power to you! But even if you’ve been able to […]
Minimizing Scars from a Tummy Tuck: Five Strategies
Tummy tuck procedures have come a long way since their invention. Patients are seeing these benefits through procedures that are safer, look better, and heal faster, including leaving less scarring that makes it obvious you’ve had a procedure done. As a general rule, your surgeon will try to make the incision as low on the […]
Cosmetic Procedure Combinations: Most Common Examples
Many of the patients we talk with have plans to eventually do multiple procedures with us. Occasionally, depending on the desired results, it makes sense to combine these procedures and do them at the same time. There are many benefits to undergoing cosmetic procedures at the same time, including: One trip to the doctor — […]
Plastic Surgery Trends: Stats from the New ASPS Report
The new report of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons came out last month, showing some interesting insights into where plastic surgery is headed based on data from 2017. Here’s our breakdown of the most interesting developments: As in previous years, breast augmentation continued to top the list at the number one spot followed by […]
Breast Lift vs. Augmentation: Which One Is Right For Me?
Many women who come into the office are not 100% sure of what they want—they look to us for suggestions. One question we hear a lot is, “What’s the difference between a breast lift and breast augmentation.” One procedure makes the breasts fuller, the other lifts them, but there are some more subtle differences patients […]