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Top 5 Plastic Surgery Procedures for 2022
Board-certified plastic surgery office shares predictions for top plastic surgery
The perfectly tailored beauty procedure you’ve been looking for!
Plastic surgery is a growing medical field with almost 18
The Plastic Surgeon you’ve been looking for: Dr. Ghaderi, St. Charles Plastic Surgery
In 2019 the United States had the largest number of
3 Common Breast Augmentation Mistakes, and How to Avoid Them
Breast augmentation is by far the most popular cosmetic procedure in the U.S., with roughly 200,000 procedures performed every year. As you step into the doctor’s office for your breast augmentation pre-surgery consultation, it will be up to your doctor to find out about your
For Healthier Skin, Avoid Makeup With These 7 Ingredients
For healthier skin, women are often caught in a cosmetic catch-22: for their facial skin to be healthiest, it should be kept clean and free of chemicals; however, many women feel that they look better with some makeup on and choose to wear it. The
Men: When to Consider Getting Pectoral Implants
Every person’s body responds to exercise differently. For some men, a certain number of push-ups and bench press exercises can provide sufficient definition in the chest region. For others, these contours may be more difficult to attain. In the latter case, pectoral implants may be
Embrace These 5 Low-Impact Fitness Regimens
For those who are older or have joint problems, it can be hard to find an exercise regimen that works consistently without creating any additional health issues. But that’s no reason to throw in the towel. If you’ve been having trouble reaching that goal, it may
3 Types of Diets that Don’t Work, and Why You Should Stay Away from Them
With dozens of new diets coming out every year, it can be hard to know which ones are worth paying attention to and which ones are not actually healthy or effective. To help you decide, we’ve put together a list of diets that generally don’t
Why Men Are Becoming More Comfortable with Botox
Why Men Are Becoming More Comfortable with Botox According to a recently released study from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of men getting Botox injections totaled 453,281 in 2016, an increase of 337 percent since 2000. Known colloquially on the Internet blogosphere