Breast Augmentation: Tips for Quick Recovery

Breast Augmentation: Tips for Quick Recovery

As surgical procedures go, breast augmentation has a fairly quick recovery time. This outpatient procedure will have you home before long, but many wonder, how long does full recovery take, and how can I shorten it?

An experienced doctor doing your procedure helps, as does abiding by the recovery plan. With that said, full recovery can take up to three weeks, and you should be wary of doctors who underrepresent this recovery time or promise you a breast augmentation procedure with no recovery time.

Keeping that in mind, here are some tips that can help shorten your recovery time:

  1. Appropriately-sized implants – the larger the implants, the more breast tissue has to be displaced, which slows down recovery time. Of course, if you’ve decided to go through with breast augmentation surgery, it probably makes sense to go with the size you’re happy with and deal with the few extra days of recovery time.
  2. A well planned out procedure that eliminates “blunt dissection” and any “blind incisions” – ask your doctor about these terms for more details. Avoiding them minimizes trauma to breast tissue, thereby shortening recovery time.
  3. Go easy on the painkillers – you should take enough to avoid discomfort, but keep in mind that anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen can slow down the body’s natural healing processes.
  4. Support is key – in the days after the surgery, you’ll have some swelling, and you’ll want to have plenty of support for your breasts. Sports bras tend to work well for this purpose.
  5. Get some rest – one of the best ways to shorten recovery time is to be in good health prior to the procedure, and to get plenty of rest after the procedure is done.
  6. No heavy lifting – while some mild exercise can be good for recovery, you should avoid lifting any heavy objects for the full three weeks of recovery to avoid setting back your recovery.
  7. Listen to your body – aside from the above, it is important to remain aware of your body and consult your doctor about anything that doesn’t feel right, or with any questions you might have about what you can and can’t do during the recovery period.

Breast augmentation is ultimately a simple procedure with a fairly uncomplicated recovery period. Follow the tips above to help your body heal more quickly, so you can get out there and show off the new you.

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