Breast Lifts vs. Breast Implants: A Comparison

Many women have heard of both breast lifts and breast augmentation and feel that they might be interested in one or the other. But what is the difference? When is one appropriate over the other? And how do they work in conjunction with one another?

The two procedures might seem difficult to differentiate between at first, as can the decision of which one is appropriate for an individual.

A consultation with a surgeon is best to determine which procedure is ultimately right for you, or if a combination of the two might be the appropriate. However, we’ll start to take a look at the two procedures here to help in gaining a basic understanding of each of them.

What is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a procedure designed to increase the size of natural breasts through the use of either saline or silicone implants. This procedure is typically selected by women who have small or mildly sagging breasts to achieve a fuller, more desirable bust line.

You can read about breast augmentation in much greater detail here.

Breast augmentation is a preferable choice for women who are looking to enlarge their bust line and are comfortable with an increase of at least one cup size.

Augmentation is not recommended for women that have excessive sagging, determined by the level at which the nipple sits relative to the mammary fold (the fold of skin on the underside of the breast); if the nipple is lower than the beginning of the mammary fold, a lift should be considered instead of, or simultaneously with, augmentation.

What is a breast lift?

A breast lift is the process of removing excess tissue/skin from sagging breasts and repositioning the nipple to a more central location.

A lift is more suitable for women who are happy with their current chest size but are unsatisfied with the firmness or perkiness of their breasts.

Over time breasts can begin to droop or sag due to aging or childbirth; when sagging is moderate to severe and an increase in size isn’t desired, a breast lift is the ideal solution. A simple test to determine if a breast lift is needed is to place a pencil under your breast – if it stays there, you are likely a good candidate for a breast lift.

When should these two procedures be used together?

It is actually quite common for the breasts to have suffered a loss of volume and have significant sagging. Performing an augmentation and a breast lift together will help some patients achieve the look they desire.

The lift will be performed first, to remove excess skin/tissue and to ensure the nipple is centered on the breast. Once that procedure has been executed, implants can then be inserted. The procedures can be done in a single session so that multiple surgeries are not necessary.

Occasionally a woman may decide at some point in the future, after having a lift, that she would also like enhancement. Or a surgeon, upon examining the breast area in a consultation, may decide a risk exists in attempting both procedures at the same time. In either of these cases, it is also completely acceptable to have the procedures completed at different times.

As with any plastic surgery procedure, the best way to determine which surgical options are right for you, is to schedule a consultation. I have helped hundreds of women achieve the look they desired and would be happy to discuss your individual goals as well. Having breast enhancement services can be a fun and exciting time for many women. If you’ve been wondering about your best options, give the office a call today.

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