Everything You Need to Know About Ear Surgery

Everything You Need to Know About Ear Surgery

Like snowflakes, no two sets of ears are exactly the same. Our ears are a prominent feature on our faces. For those unhappy with the appearance of their ears, confidence issues can sometimes arise. Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, offers a simple solution to anyone who is not satisfied with the appearance of his or her ears.

Prominent ears, ones that stick out rather than staying flat, are the most common issue patients want resolved. These can come in pairs, or with just one protruding ear. Ears that are just too large for the head or face they’re on are another frequent concern otoplasty can solve.

Other issues ear surgery can successfully address are “lop ear,” which is when the tip of the ear seems to fold down and forward; “cupped ear,” which is usually a very small and folded ear; and “shell ear,” which is when the curve in the outer rim and natural folds and creases are missing. Last but not least, earlobes that have been torn or stretched due to a piercing can be repaired with ear surgery.

When can I have ear surgery?

Ear surgery can be performed as early as 4 years of age. The ears are one of the first appendages to develop, and can be fully grown by 4 years of age. Many parents choose to tackle their children’s ears around that age, in order to spare them from any potential teasing when the children start school. However, ear surgery can be successfully performed at any age.

How exactly does ear surgery work?

Your ears are almost entirely composed of cartilage. To reshape the ear, your plastic surgeon will make a small cut behind the ear to expose the cartilage, and then either cut some of it away, or fold or stitch it as necessary to give the ear its desired shape.

Will my medical insurance pay for ear surgery?

Most insurance plans don’t cover ear surgery, unless it resolves a medical issue. You likely won’t be able to get your medical insurance to cover your cosmetic ear surgery, because the procedure isn’t classified as one that would be strictly required for your health. However, ear surgery is one of the simplest types of cosmetic surgeries, which is reflected in its price. Therefore, many patients are able to afford the cost of ear surgery out-of-pocket.

Is ear surgery safe?

Ear surgery is a relatively simple procedure, as far as plastic surgeries go. Adults often receive only a local anesthetic for the procedure, and the vast majority of ear surgeries are done as outpatient procedures requiring only 2-3 hours. This is not to say that just any doctor can perform a successful ear surgery—the actual shaping of the ear is an art and takes years of experience to perfect.

What’s the recovery from ear surgery like?

Most ear surgeries have a short recovery time. At the end of your procedure, your plastic surgeon will apply a head bandage that you’ll need to keep on for 1 week. After that, you’ll likely need to wear a headband to keep the ears in the right position for healing for another 2 weeks or so.


If you have any other questions or concerns about ear surgery, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Ghaderi at St. Charles Plastic Surgery to set up a consultation.

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