Plastic Surgery Questions & Answers


Below are some of the most frequently asked questions our patients have about plastic surgery. If you have any other questions, or would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ghaderi, we would love to hear from you.

General Plastic Surgery Questions

Each year, thousands of men and women undergo plastic surgery procedures without complications. However, it is important for you to be informed of the risks as well as the benefits of having surgery. Prior to your procedure, Dr. Ghaderi will carefully review your medical history and current health status as well as discuss the surgery in great detail. By carefully following his advice and instructions, both before and after surgery, you can do your part to minimize some of the risks.

Several factors should be considered when deciding if plastic surgery is right for you. Typically, good candidates are patients who are in good health, have realistic expectations and fully understand their own motivations for wanting the procedure. People who have plastic surgery generally find that the surgery enhances their overall appearance and self-esteem.

There is not a rule regarding the right age for plastic surgery. In fact, the appropriateness of a certain procedure should be determined more on a case by case basis, looking at the individual’s unique body type and aging process. Of course, there are age tendencies for certain procedures. Facelifts generally are not performed on patients under 30, as mini-lifts or laser procedures might be suggested instead, but this is not a rule. Ear reshaping, on the other hand, is appropriate for adults or patients as young as 5 years old.

During your consultation Dr. Ghaderi will take the time to discuss your expectations as well as any concerns you may have. Choosing to undergo plastic surgery is an incredibly personal decision, and every procedure must be tailored to meet the needs and desires of the individual patient. Dr. Ghaderi will review your medical history, current health status, and make an assessment on whether the procedure is right for you. Dr. Ghaderi will discuss the results that can be achieved, the limitations of the procedure, and any options which may be available.

At the conclusion of your first visit, a second appointment will be recommended. This will give you time to consider all that you have learned during the initial consultation and allow you to think of other questions and concerns to discuss with Dr. Ghaderi. You will also be encouraged to bring a significant other or any individual who will be supporting you through the surgical process.

Scarring is an inevitable part of healing and is the result of our body’s natural response to repair an injury. However, a very fine lined scar placed in the correct orientation may be virtually invisible. A plastic surgeon spends years trying to master techniques to place scars in the most desirable location. Dr. Ghaderi will try to make incisions in areas that will not show, like under undergarments or along natural creases. Scars will normally fade over time. The final cosmetic appearance of a surgical scar is based on multiple factors such as age, skin type, anatomic location, smoking and most importantly – our genetic makeup.

Flying immediately before or after having a procedure is not recommended due to increased risk of blood clots in your leg. Typically you should not fly the day before and wait about 10-14 days after surgery to fly. You should take the necessary precautions, such as getting up to walk around during the flight, and wearing compression stockings. More specifically, the risk factors depend on your own medical history, the type of anesthesia used, and the length of your procedure. In addition, you need to be in town for regular follow-up care required immediately after your surgery. Always discuss your travel plans with Dr. Ghaderi.

The specialty of plastic surgery places great emphasis on both surgical techniques and treatments that promote normal wound healing in order to produce a superior surgical outcome. Smoking dramatically influences the goal of uncomplicated wound healing and places you at a higher and unnecessary level of risk for many preventable surgical complications. Be sure to discuss your smoking habits with Dr. Ghaderi. He can recommend programs to assist you in ceasing to smoke during your surgical experience.

At the end of your initial consultation, Dr. Ghaderi will provide you with a personalized quote of surgical costs for any recommended procedure(s).

St. Charles Plastic Surgery has several payment options available and will work with you to find one that meets your needs. The following forms of payment are accepted:

  • Cash
  • Personal Check (Accepted 21 days prior to surgical date)
  • Cashier’s Check
  • MasterCard
  • Visa

Financing – We also work with Care Credit. For patients who have decided to schedule their surgical procedure for a later date, monthly payments can be made prior to their surgery until the balance is paid in-full. Our staff can help you determine which payment option is best for you.

Your insurance coverage will vary depending on the policy you have and the type of surgery you plan to undergo. Reconstructive surgery (which is performed to improve function rather than appearance) is usually covered by insurance. Cosmetic surgery, however, is typically not covered by insurance. Our dedicated and highly trained office staff will work with your insurance company to see that coverage is provided for any eligible procedures.

It is a relatively common practice for patients to undergo multiple procedures during one operation. Having procedures done simultaneously can decrease the expense of the operating room and anesthesia costs as well as the overall recovery time. The decision to have multiple procedures done depends on which procedures are being performed, the operating time, and your age/health. Dr. Ghaderi will discuss your personal options with you and help you decide whether or not it is appropriate to have multiple surgeries performed at the same time.

Dr. Ghaderi works exclusively with accredited hospitals and surgical facilities which staff board-certified anesthesiologists. You will be under the direct care of the anesthesiologist on staff while Dr. Ghaderi performs your surgery. Our surgical facilities are accredited by The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care. You can learn more about what using an accredited facility means for you at The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care.

Dr. Ghaderi will take the time to understand your preferences and help you select the best option for you. His goal is to enhance, not overwhelm, your natural features. Our office has a strict confidentiality policy, so you can be sure that any information regarding your cosmetic treatment will not leave our office.

Dr. Ghaderi is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

If a doctor is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, it means he or she is dedicated to providing exceptional patient care through a rigorous, voluntary commitment to lifelong learning through board certification and American Board of Medical Specialties Maintenance of Certification (MOC).

In addition to completing years of schooling, fulfilling residency requirements and passing the rigorous exams required to practice medicine in your state, a board certified specialist participates in an ongoing process of continuing education to keep current with the latest advances in medical science and technology in his or her specialty as well as best practices in patient safety, quality healthcare and creating a responsive patient-focused environment.

To maintain board certification, your physician participates in an extensive process that involves completing accredited education and specialty training and periodic oral and written exams to demonstrate competency.

Dr. Ghaderi will perform your surgery. He will also be the physician to take care of you after surgery. He is involved with your entire surgical experience from your first consultation to all of your postoperative visits, whenever they may be.

Recovery occurs in phases and each person will differ. Typically your recovery will depend on the procedure you are having. Dr. Ghaderi will discuss your individual situation with you. For example, after breast augmentation you can return to desk work within 2–3 days and after a tummy tuck it would be about 7–10 days. However, if you undergo a more comprehensive treatment, such as a mommy makeover, the recovery might take somewhat longer.

Typically you will need a supportive garment to secure the surgical site in the immediate postoperative period to help with swelling and recovery. The specific support bra, binder, or special order garment will be reviewed with you during your preoperative visits.

The specific testing required will depend on your medical history, the type of procedure you are having as well as the anesthesia required for your procedure. Dr. Ghaderi will review your specific testing with you. For example, some women will need a mammogram prior to their breast surgery and most patients will undergo a simple blood test which is included in your surgical fee.

Your first postoperative visit will typically occur on the first or second day after your surgery. At that time, Dr. Ghaderi will review your results with you and show you how to care for your surgical site. Dr. Ghaderi likes to see his patients often after surgery to be involved in their recovery. He will typically see you again around one week, then 6 weeks, 6 months and one year. Some surgeries will require more visits and, of course, he is available 24/7 for all your questions and concerns. You will receive excellent postoperative care.

Breast Surgery Questions

Breast implants do not need to be changed unless they have ruptured. A typical implant will last about 10yrs.

With saline-filled implants the diagnosis is easier. The saline that leaks out of the implant is reabsorbed by your body, then the implant will deflate and your breast size will return to its pre-augmentation size. The saline is safe. At that point you will need to consult with Dr. Ghaderi to discuss replacement surgery.

With silicone gel-filled implants, the diagnosis of a rupture will often require an MRI to confirm. As always, regular follow-ups with Dr. Ghaderi are necessary to not only answer all your questions but to have an exam to ensure your implants are intact. These regular follow-ups are included in your surgical fee.

The number of pregnancies and the decision to breast-feed may impact the results of breast augmentation. The timing of surgery as it relates to pregnancy and breast-feeding should be discussed with Dr. Ghaderi. Many patients have the procedure before having children. Having breast implants will not affect your ability to become pregnant or deliver a baby. Many women with breast implants successfully breast-feed. The underlying breast implant does not harm the breast-fed baby in any way.

Dr. Ghaderi offers both saline and silicone gel implants. Dr. Ghaderi will discuss the benefits and concerns for each type to help you make a choice that is best for your body, lifestyle and preferences. Both saline and silicone gel implants are safe and FDA approved.

While breast implants have been studied for more than two decades and very rarely produce side effects, an uncommon condition called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) has been documented thus far in textured implants and is treatable when caught early.

Symptoms of the condition may include swelling, redness, changes in firmness or lumps around one or both implants(s). Mammograms will not detect these changes, only MRIs will. We urge you to follow up with us periodically if you notice any of the above-listed side effects or are experiencing any other symptoms or discomfort.

You can learn more about the safety of breast implants at:

Breast Implant | BIA-ALCL Summary

Choosing an implant size is a personal decision. Dr. Ghaderi will help to guide you as to which size will be best to achieve the look you desire, as well as which size will work best with your body. When you decide to proceed with breast augmentation, you will spend time selecting the size based on Dr. Ghaderi’s recommendation and sample breast implants to help you preview the surgical results as best as possible.

Yes. Breast implants, regardless of their location in the sub-muscular or sub-glandular location, can interfere with mammography. Mammography centers are well accustomed to performing mammograms on patients who have had breast implants by taking more views of the breasts. Breast implants do not cause breast cancer and patients with breast implants do not have delayed diagnosis because of the implants. Your doctor may recommend an ultrasound or MRI for further evaluation of your breast tissue. Dr. Ghaderi will discuss this important issue with you in detail at the time of your consultation.

In general, evaluating the position of the nipple in relation to the fold under the breast (inframammary fold) will help determine the need for a breast lift. Dr. Ghaderi will review this during your examination.

Body Surgery Questions

As long as the patient maintains a healthy life-style, including exercise and a sensible diet, liposuction results are long lasting. Once the fat cells have been removed from an area there is no longer a preferential fat storage area and any fat gain will be distributed evenly over the rest of the body. The body does not compensate for the removed fat cells by creating new ones in other body areas.

Most body areas can be treated with liposuction, though the most common areas in women are the abdomen, hips, and thighs. Men are often treated for liposuction in the breasts, hips, and abdomen. Liposuction is not limited to these areas; other places may include the upper arms, under the chin, the buttocks and the upper back bra line.

Incisions made during liposuction are very small and put in areas that are inconspicuous. Most scars resulting from liposuction will heal well and it will be difficult to see where they were originally made.

The reason for waiting after your surgery is to not only allow your surgical area to heal but also for your body to recover from the stress of the first surgery before undergoing another one. Typically, 6 months to 1 year is the time period for adequate healing to take place. Since a tummy tuck is an elective procedure, you can discuss with Dr. Ghaderi what the ideal timing is for you after a comprehensive consultation and examination.

Typically, it is ideal to consider a tummy tuck after you have completed having children. However, with many patients undergoing massive weight loss through bariatric procedures, weight loss medications, or diet and exercise, the need for a tummy tuck may arise before becoming pregnant. Some patients have their abdominoplasty in their 20s to complete their weight loss journey and enjoy their new appearance. They can certainly have a successful pregnancy after their surgery. How the pregnancy changes their abdominal shape and skin will differ for each individual. Most will not need any revisions or “touch-ups.” Some may want to refresh their abdominal shape after having children, which can be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

The amount of stretch marks removed after a tummy tuck depends on the location of the stretch marks and the looseness of your skin. If the stretch marks are below the belly button, they will be removed. Dr. Ghaderi will show you the expected outcome for your individual case during your first consultation.

Adding an implant to large breasts may contribute to further sagging. One advantage to using a breast implant is the ability to enhance upper pole fullness. A consultation with an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon will help you determine if a breast lift alone is the best option.

Many cosmetic surgical procedures can be combined to reduce the overall recovery time. Depending on the length of the surgeries being considered, it may be not only be safer but also provide an easier recovery if the surgeries are performed separately. Two shorter procedures are always safer than one long one. That is the first tip for making your recovery easier.

Choosing an overnight stay at a hospital is another great way to ensure you receive the best care during the early stages of recovery and this is especially true for lengthy or combination procedures.

Tummy tucks give moms a great abdominal shape and many women feel a new confidence making swimwear choices during the bikini season following surgery. Tummy tuck incisions are placed low enough to be covered by most underwear and bathing suits. Dr. Ghaderi will help you understand scarring, recovery, and suggest healthy habits to maintain your results.

Breast implants are a great option for restoring the way you look and feel after having a child (and/or breastfeeding). Dr. Ghaderi listens to your makeover goals and then helps guide you through the cosmetic surgical process.

Facial Surgery Questions

Although you will be unable to wear your contact lenses for the first few days following surgery, eyelid surgery only works on the skin and muscle of the eyelids area and will not affect your contact lenses.

BOTOX® is injected in small doses into different areas of the face to cause the overactive wrinkle-forming muscle tissues to relax. BOTOX® procedures are safe, fast, and effective. Pain and discomfort are minimal. There is little to no recovery time and patients can resume normal activities immediately after the procedure. Results begin to appear within days after the injections.

BOTOX® treatments may last up to four months. It is recommended that repeat injections be administered every three to four months to maintain a smooth, youthful appearance.

Male Plastic Surgery Questions

Gynecomastia is typically considered a cosmetic surgery and is usually not covered by health insurance.

In general, it is recommended that patients have the condition for at least two years and be at least 16 years old before undergoing a procedure to correct gynecomastia. It is possible that the condition will improve on its own in younger patients. Dr. Ghaderi can help you decide if and when the procedure is right for you.

Dr. Ghaderi has treated many patients that are athletic and/or very fit but have gynecomastia. It is likely that you have glandular tissue that would benefit from removal to give the nipple/areola area a flatter and more normal appearance.

Typically once the excess breast tissue is removed the results are permanent. However, if there is significant weight gain or excessive internal scar formation from the surgery, it may appear that the gynecomastia has returned. That is not the typical outcome and once you have surgery you should expect the results to be permanent. As with any surgery there are risks involved and recurrence, although rare, can happen. Most commonly patients are very satisfied and happy with the outcome of their gynecomastia correction. It gives them much more confidence and a more masculine appearance with form fitting clothing or while out on the beach.

You may be describing gynecomastia or excessive male breast tissue, and that is surgically treatable. That typically involves the nipple/areolar complex which you may be referring to as just the “nipple”. If you specifically have just the nipple protrude too much, that is also treatable with a simple procedure.

The best thing to do is consult with a board certified plastic surgeon who can review your medical history to make sure the excess breast tissue is not medically related (such as hormonal imbalance, medications, and even marijuana use is a culprit).

If there is no medical cause, then surgical correction is a good option to give you a more masculine appearance, to help with form fitting clothing as well as just walking down the beach.

Like most surgeries you will need about six weeks to heal completely. However, recovery occurs in phases. You can usually begin some light cardiovascular exercise in about 2-3wks and some upper body exercise in about 3-4wks and do more from there. As for crunches and abdominal exercises – it is best to wait about 3-6 months. We have a personal trainer who provides post-op recovery instructions on core strengthening without hurting the surgical outcome.

Gender Affirming Plastic Surgery Questions

Top procedures and body contouring for both Female-to-Male (FTM) and Male-to-Female (MTF) patients and ancillary procedures to aid you in your transition are available at St. Charles Plastic Surgery.

Top procedures and body contouring for FTM and MTF gender affirmation will likely have insurance coverage when certain criteria are met. Our office will help you determine whether your insurance will cover the cost of the procedure. Please check with our practice manager if you have any questions.

Learn More at a Consultation with Dr. Ghaderi

Dr. Ghaderi is a board-certified plastic surgeon. For over 20 years, patients have been visiting his beautiful private plastic surgery office near Chicago for various cosmetic surgery procedures. Dr. Ghaderi offers treatments for the face (facelift, eyelid surgery, chin lipo), breast (breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast reconstruction, gynecomastia), and body (liposuction, tummy tuck, body contouring).