Getting Your Significant Other Involved

The choice to have any cosmetic procedure can be profoundly personal. However, the decision may be further complicated when a spouse or significant other is in the picture. If you have a hesitant or reluctant partner, be sure to consider a few extra factors to help throughout the process.

Getting Started

If possible, bring your significant other with you at the time of your initial consultation. It’s not uncommon for those who care about you to have concerns about the surgical process, the safety of your chosen procedure, and expected results.  Giving him/her an opportunity to ask questions alongside you will help them understand your decision.  Plus, it’s always great to have an extra set of ears to hear all the details provided by your plastic surgeon.     

Hammer Out the Details of Your Recovery Plan

Recovery is an important part of the plastic surgery experience. It’s likely you might need a little help the first few days following your surgery.  It’s important to work together to make the time following the procedure as smooth and painless as possible for everyone involved. To do so, have your home neat and orderly, have prescriptions filled beforehand, and make other efforts to aid in the recovery process. Prepping a few meals, arranging childcare and lightening the schedule are helpful to not only your own recovery, but for those around you.

Set Long-Term Goals and Expectations

To maintain the desired results of any procedure, proper attention must be paid, even beyond the immediate recovery period. Work together to maintain the proper diet and exercise regimen. Regardless of whether someone has had a cosmetic procedure performed, fitness goals are more likely met when working as part of a team. And of course, make sure to keep follow-up appointments with your doctor.

Consider Future Options

When one spouse elects to have cosmetic surgery, it is not uncommon for the procedure to inspire the other spouse to do the same. It’s suggested for couples to “stagger” their procedures, to alleviate the need for outside care, particularly if young children are in the picture.

Plastic surgery isn’t something one does alone. Beyond your relationship with your doctor, your partner can be a valuable asset during any procedure. A consultation with St. Charles Plastic Surgery can help you explore all your options.

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