Perhaps you don’t feel the need for any drastic changes. Or maybe you’re apprehensive about any major procedure. But regardless of the reason, it’s natural to be curious about nonsurgical procedures, such as Botox, in regards to returning to a more youthful appearance.
Why skip the scalpel?
Years ago, when it came to turning back the clock, most people only had surgical options to turn to. But advancements in the field now allow for a variety of procedures, with and without the scalpel.
A nonsurgical procedure, such as Botox injections, might be for you. Surgical options allow for great, dramatic results. A scalpel is usually involved when someone wants to change the overall appearance of his or her face. But for younger patients, who only see one or two problem areas they’d like fixed, nonsurgical options are usually the best bet.
What is Botox?
Botox, or onabotulinumtoxinA, is a drug that’s injected into the facial muscles to temporarily lessen the appearance of lines between the eyebrows, around the eyes, and on the forehead. It does so by paralyzing the muscle, and typically lasts anywhere from three to five months. The procedure, a shot, takes a couple of minutes and comes with little pain.
Wrinkles — Forehead and Eyes
If you’re generally happy with the appearance of your face, Botox might be the option for you. While a face-lift or eyelid surgery is always an option, Botox is a preferred method to tackle specific areas.
Botox, a purified toxin, can be delivered in small doses to specific areas of your face, such as on the forehead or around the eyes. When Botox paralyzes the muscle, it reduces the fine lines that can regularly appear on your face.
Is it right for me?
A nonsurgical procedure, like Botox injections, is right for you if you’re looking for an inexpensive and less involved alternative to surgery. Although there are no “quick fixes” when it comes to regaining a youthful appearance, Botox injections are a faster alternative to most surgical options.
Risks—Allergic Reactions
Because it’s a nonsurgical procedure, Botox carries less risk and possible complications than surgical options. The safety and efficacy of Botox has been well established through its years of use in the medical industry. It is also used to treat muscle spasticity, in much larger doses than those used for cosmetic procedures.
Possible side effects include allergic reactions, rash, itching, headache, and muscle stiffness, among others. Talk through these possibilities with your doctor, and to make sure you’re not at increased risk for complications.
The reasons to turn to Botox are plentiful. It’s a simple procedure that many prefer, compared to a more involved surgical procedure. If you think it’s right for you, schedule a free consultation at St. Charles Plastic Surgery today.