What’s Up, Doc?
By Bahram Ghaderi, MD, FACS Remember those great and funny cartoons with Bugs Bunny (his well-known catchphrase “What’s up, Doc?”) and his other Looney Tunes friends? I do! I used to watch them every day, especially before school. I still catch them here and there on cable stations like MeTV. Yes, they continue to make me laugh to this day. Many great comedies have made us laugh over the decades and can still make us laugh today. I will almost always pause the channel surfing for a few of my favorites, like Three Stooges, Gilligan’s Island, Seinfeld, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Today, we also have quicker and shorter types of comedy in memes and TikToks. Nonetheless, whether it is a 30-minute show or a 30-second video, they all share the same theme-laughter.
We use as many as 15 facial muscles to form a smile. A good daily laugh helps improve our mood and improve physical and emotional health. When you laugh, your body naturally produces endorphins. This chemical makes us feel good, giving us a positive mood and mindset. Laughing is also contagious. When we laugh in a group, it promotes a sense of comfort, togetherness, and safety. It encourages happiness and reduces high levels of stress. Laughing also increases blood flow to the face, which in turn helps you look and feel younger. Studies have shown that smiley and happy people are viewed as more attractive and youthful than their more serious counterparts.
A survey of over one million people in 166 countries showed that there is a humor cliff, a point in time when we start to lose our sense of humor. That age is 23 years old. The drop off can be attributed to entering the workforce. A survey of 700 workers in different industries showed that many believe that to be professional and taken seriously, you need to downplay your sense of humor.
The average 4-year-old laughs as much as 300 times in a day. How long do you think it takes the typical 40-year-old to laugh 300 times? Two days, maybe a week, or two weeks? I was astonished to read it takes the average 40-year-old two and a half months to reach that number. On the upside, our tendency to laugh returns in our later years as we slow our work pace or retire and spend more time with friends and family. But why wait that long?
With a humor cliff and lack of laughter, it only makes sense why so many are interested in getting Botox to reduce their frown lines. No one wants to look grumpy (there’s an acronym for that, I am sure you have heard), and they want others to be able to focus on their smile. We always hear that laughter is the best medicine, but research supports its positive effects. With all our daily chores and responsibilities, don’t forget to smile and laugh. Don’t let yourself go two and a half months to laugh as much as a 4-year-old! I have much work to do on that end myself. So, next time you see me, please remind me to smile and laugh more. As always, please share what makes you laugh the most at drghaderi@stcharlesplasticsurgery.com.
https://nypost.com/2021/03/13/we-start-losing-our-sense-of-humor-at-age-23-and-it-could-wreck-your-career/ Glowing Skin
You are what you eat. The foods we consume directly affect the appearance of our skin. Nutrient dense foods leave our skin looking its best and with a healthy glow.
Here are three examples of common foods that have a positive impact on our skin:
Ginger: This spice has great anti inflammatory properties. It also has a great soothing effect on the skin.
Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are a great resource for omega-3 fatty acids. Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City tells Allure Magazine that “Omega-3 fatty acids help provide building blocks for healthy skin cell function and new collagen production to keep the skin foundation strong and wrinkle free.”
Tomatoes: Tomatoes are high in lycopene, which is an anti-aging antioxidant.
Source: https://www.allure.com/story/superfoods-glowing-skin
The mind is a powerful thing. Our thoughts can impact our mood throughout the day. Positive affirmations in the morning are a great way to start off your day. Here are a few affirmations to inspire you:
I am going to have a great day today.
Things will fall into place for me.
My failures and struggles don’t define me.
I have what it takes to succeed .
I will speak kindly and respectfully to myself.
3 Common Breast Augmentation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Breast augmentation is by far the most popular cosmetic procedure in the U.S., with roughly 200,000 procedures performed every year. As you step into the doctor’s office for your consultation, it will be up to your doctor to find out about your desired results, tell you what you can expect, and ultimately steer you in the right direction. Here are three of the most common breast augmentation mistakes we see, and how to avoid them:
Going too big. When you’re trying to increase the size or fullness of your breasts, it can be easy to underestimate what you’re starting with and try to go too big with the implants. Sometimes, patients also think that since they’re paying for the procedure, they might as well go a little bigger than they had originally planned and “get their money’s worth”. Resist this temptation. Tell your doctor how big you want to go, and then trust him or her to give you advice on what size would look most proportional with the rest of your body. Remember, your doctor has done this procedure numerous times and has a lot of experience with a variety of sizes. Use his or her experience to your favor.
Not going with a board-certified plastic surgeon. As the most popular cosmetic procedure, breast augmentation is often a woman’s first procedure. When figuring out costs and how to pay for the procedure, there may be a temptation to get a few different quotes and go with the most affordable option. We can’t emphasize this enough: cosmetic surgery is not a place to bargain-hunt. You can’t put a price on your health and the aesthetics of your body. Find a doctor who you trust, who has done the procedure many times before, who has a Before & After portfolio he or she can share with you, and who is board certified and has done the latest training and methods. It’s the best way to ensure you’ll be happy with the end result of your procedure. A cosmetic surgeon is not a synonym for a plastic surgeon and if you would like to verify that the surgeon you are considering has undergone all the required training and requirements to become a board-certified plastic surgeon, you can search for his/her name on the American Board of Plastic Surgery website.
Not wearing your surgical bra during recovery. The surgical bra your doctor will put on right after the procedure is designed to keep your breasts in the optimal spot during the healing process. The bra will not only increase your comfort and speed up the recovery process, but it will also ensure that your breasts heal correctly and evenly. Always follow your doctor’s instructions during recovery to help achieve the best possible result.
Have another question about breast augmentation? Visit the breast augmentation FAQ on our website, or get in touch with us to set up a consultation! Together We Are Stronger! We ask that you schedule your annual mammogram appointment to promote early detection and encourage other women in your lives to do the same. Check your local hospital for convenient mammogram screenings. Juice vs. Cider You’ve probably heard of both apple juice and apple cider. Apple cider is more prevalent around fall. Do you know the difference between the two?
Cider: Raw pressed apple juice that has not been filtered to remove the pulp. It is more tart with a dark and cloudy look.
Juice: Filtered to remove pulp and pasteurized, so it stays fresh on the shelves of a store. It is sweeter with a light and clear look.
One is not superior to the other. It really comes down to what you personally prefer, as long as it fulfills your apple desires! Halloween is on a Monday this year. Getting into theme always makes the day more fun. Whether you are sending your kids off to school or bringing in a treat for your co-workers, monster doughnuts are simple and fitting breakfast treat!
You can purchase the plastic vampire teeth on Amazon, get the doughnuts from your local bakery, and add candies for eyes.
This ghouling breakfast will leave everyone spooked!
Source: https://onelittleproject.com/halloween-monster-donuts/
Dr. Ghaderi: sweet potatoes/yams
Dale: bacon green bean almondine
Gabrielle: green bean casserole
Jordan: mac and cheese
Sheena: twice baked potatoes