A Little Me Time Everyday
By Bahram Ghaderi, MD, FACS One hour a day is about what I need to recharge. Vacations are great, and we all look forward to them, but daily time is even more important for me. Vacations allow us all a chance to travel to new places, do things our daily routines do not allow, or simply unplug from it all. However, how often have you returned from a great vacation and thought, “I need a vacation from my vacation?”
Thinking that is not to take away from the benefits of extended time away from our daily lives or jobs. But there are still some essential things we need to do daily to get a break. Our bodies and brains do better that way. Just imagine if we only ate on vacation, slept on vacation, or exercised on vacation?
I look forward to my evening routine, which allows me to recharge for the next day. Research has shown a direct correlation between lack of recovery from work and increased incidence of health and safety problems. Not having that daily time to recharge leads to a lack of productivity.
Burnout has been a big topic, especially in medicine, exacerbated by the COVID pandemic. Working through it or toughing it out is not being resilient. That is a misconception bred into us from an early age when we were celebrated because we stayed up till 3 AM to finish a school project. Leading lives that are busy and on the go is almost applauded. Yet, overwork and exhaustion are the opposite of resilience. Adam Grant, an author and organizational psychologist (who coincidentally received his Ph.D. from my Med School Alma Mater-University of Michigan), states: “In unhealthy cultures, people see rest as taking your foot off the gas pedal. You don’t stop until you have pushed yourself to the brink of exhaustion. In healthy cultures, people see rest as a vital source of fuel. You take regular breaks to maintain energy and avoid burnout.”
I look forward to my “me time” during that hour in the evening. It does not always have to be an hour or routine activity. I sometimes even take a few minutes in the middle of the day to read something just for fun that requires no brain activity. I admit I like reading about pop culture and celebrity gossip. Even that temporary shift of attention from my task helps. It feels like a power nap for my brain. For some people, it is that cup of morning coffee before the rest of the house wakes up. For others, it may be staying up after everyone else falls asleep to enjoy the quiet and decompress. Maybe it is your daily Wordle or doing a craft. More extensive recovery happens outside work between workdays, weekends, and those widely separated holidays and vacations. You can choose any activity that gives you the most enjoyment and lets you feel like you have unplugged just a little.
I enjoy my tea in the morning and always being early to the hospital. At night I like to get a little exercise or channel surfing. Sunday mornings are a quiet time, and without fail, I want to be in my favorite chair with a cup of coffee or tea watching the CBS Sunday Morning Show. As I watched it this morning, there was an excellent segment about a dog named Dexter that brought a smile to my face. You can find Dexter on Instagram at dexterdogouray. He has gained several thousand followers since the show aired this morning, so his story is definitely connecting with people.
As always, please share your method for recovering or recharging daily at drghaderi@stcharlesplasticsurgery.com. Sun Tea For some, sun tea is a nostalgic way to brew tea in the summer. The idea was that the tea bags would sit in water under the warm sun and brew instead of having to turn on a hot stovetop.
Sun tea is easy to make! You just get a pitcher of water and your favorite tea bags, and then let it steep in the warm sun for a few hours.
Once the tea gets to a deep color, you can take the tea bags out, and add ice, sweetener, or fresh fruit to the drink.
Now, this sounds like the drink of the summer! There is nothing worse than eating a dry piece of meat at a BBQ. The best investment for an avid griller is a thermometer. Checking the temperature of the meat can ensure you cook it completely without sacrificing the juicy flavor. Here are the most common meats to grill and their perfect temperatures:
STEAK: Rare—130°, Medium—145°, Well Done—160°
BURGERS: Rare—125°, Medium—155°, Well Done—165°
HOT DOGS: 165° Nearly all of you have heard about the long-established term the mommy makeover. But a daddy do-over? Likely not as many have heard this term used.
A daddy do-over is the male equivalent of a mommy makeover. In a mommy makeover, women may wish to do a tummy tuck, for example, to tighten up their abdominal muscles and loose skin after pregnancy, or a breast lift or implants to regain the volume and shape of their breasts. Dads are now showing interest in procedures to help them with their “dad bod”; this is the daddy do-over.
Like a mommy makeover, a daddy do-over consists of cosmetic surgical procedures and treatments combined into one surgery and one recovery period. Treatments can also include surgical and non-surgical procedures such as liposuction and injectables.
As a new dad, I know that I experienced changes in diet, exercise, and sleep after becoming a parent, which had a physical effect on my body. Add in the effects of aging, and these changes may inspire new fathers to undergo various cosmetic surgical procedures, collectively called the “daddy do-over.” However, patients needn’t be dads to want their younger bodies back.
The most requested procedures are liposuction for fat reduction and gynecomastia for a more masculine appearing chest. Botox is growing in popularity, as are eyelid and facial rejuvenation procedures such as facelifts and brow lifts.
Just like in a mommy makeover, being in good health, at a stable weight, and having realistic expectations will all positively affect your results. Recovery can vary since it can be either one procedure or a combination of surgeries done at one time. Typically, you can expect to return for light-duty work within a few days. Botox is an office procedure and requires no downtime.
As we all live longer and work to an older age, having a more youthful and refreshed appearance is desired for many. Men are increasingly accepting what women realized decades ago – that it is ok to “get some work done.” If you have any questions regarding “daddy do-over” procedures or what is best for you, please get in touch with us at 630-762-9697 or email us at info@stcharlesplasticsurgery.com
source – https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/articles/everything-you-need-to-know-about-a-daddy-do-over A consistent exercise routine is a must in order to stay healthy, especially as we age. Cardio and strength training are the focus of most workout routines, but some may forget about stretching. Stretching is so important to keep our bodies flexible and able to do daily tasks. Here are some stretches you can try before or after your workout:
Lie down on your stomach with your hands placed palms down beside your shoulders. Slowly extend your arms to lift yourself up.
Sit down with your legs extended in front of you. Slowly bend over and touch your forehead to your shins (or get as close as you can).
With one leg crossed over the other, throw the elbow opposite your top leg over the knee as your twist your body at the waist.
With your legs crossed in front of you and your hands resting on your knees, begin regulating your breathing using techniques like ujjai.
It’s summertime and with that comes being outside with longer days and hot sun. It is important you make sure your skin is protected. Here are some things to look for in a sunscreen:
“Board Spectrum” Protection
This means the sunscreen protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Most sunscreens protect against UVB rays, but protection from UVA rays are also important since they can also cause cancer and premature aging.
SPF 30 or Higher
SPF is the level of protection sunscreen provides. Based on the American Cancer Society website, SPF 15 sunscreens filter out 93% of UVB rays, SPF 30 filters out about 97%, SPF 50 filters about 98%, and SPF 100 about 99%.
Water Resistant Does not mean Waterproof
There is a length of time the sunscreen will maintain its effectiveness after becoming wet. Some may need to be reapplied after 40 minutes or 80 minutes. The bottle should have it listed.
The Best Sunscreen to Use
Because skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S. and worldwide, the best sunscreen is the one you will use and reapply as needed.
Splish Splash This summer, explore different options to cool off. Here are some great waterparks in Illinois to visit the next time you want to splash around.
- Magic Waters, Cherry Valley
- CoCo Key Water Resort, Rockford
- Coral Cove Waterpark, Carol Stream
- Splash Country, Aurora
- Joliet Slash Station, Joliet
- White Water Canyon Water Park, Tinley Park
- KeyLime Cove Indoor Waterpark Resort, Gurnee
- Raging Waves Waterpark, Yorkville
- Paradise Bay Water Park, Lombard
- Atcher Island, Schaumburg
One Step At a Time This past June, the annual Bridge Walk was back in person!
Before 2020 Dr. Ghaderi had formed a team every year since 2004 to participate in walks. First with the Y-Me walk in Chicago, then locally with the Bridge Walk. Now, after a two-year interruption, the walk is back!
Although we missed having our team this year, Dr. Ghaderi was still there one step at a time to support all his patients, family, and friends who have faced a cancer diagnosis.
Please visit www.livingwellcrc.org to see the extensive list of programs and services available to participants and family members that are all offered free of charge.
Thank you, LivingWell Cancer Resource Center, for all you do!
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